Kalamunda's Original and Best Florist Shop - serving Kalamunda and the surrounding areas for over 30 years!

Florists Choice

Our Florist Choice bouquets and arrangements are by far the most popular choice on our website. It allows our floral designers to create something special using the freshest and seasonal flowers sourced daily. We have options for you select price, style, colour and vessel (if opting for an arrangement). We also encourage you to add some notes regarding flowers, colour and style and will do our best to accomodate them.
Florist Choice Bouquets
Florist Choice Bouquets
From $65.00
Florist Choice Arrangements
Florist Choice Arrangements
From $65.00
Bright Boxed Arrangement
Bright Boxed Arrangement
From $65.00
The Colourful Pot of Happiness
The Colourful Pot of Happiness
From $75.00
The Happy Vase
The Happy Vase
From $100.00